
Keynote: overview of the next generation electronic systems design solution


Watch this keynote presentation from Matt Bromley, Vice President, Product Strategy and Technology, Electronic Board Systems at Siemens, to fully understand the details of our next generation electronic systems design release and how it can help you solve today’s industry challenges.
觀看西門子Electronic Board Systems產品策略與技術副總裁 Matt Bromley 的主題演講,全面了解我們下一代電子系統設計版本的詳細資訊以及它如何幫助您解決當今的行業挑戰。

The next generation of electronic systems design is built on four tenets: it’s adaptive, efficient, collaborative and managed. Behind these four tenets, we have five pillars of technology that we have engineered into the solution:

✅ Intuitive: remove the barriers of complexity with a totally new user experience that’s unified across our entire portfolio and targeted at creating a new level of efficiency in electronic design tools.

✅ AI-infused: expand engineering capacity without additional resources through features like command prediction, which uses training models to help users understand what the next part of the design process could be.

✅ Cloud-connected: cloud infrastructure helps ensure that engineers can collaborate seamlessly with internal and external teams across the value chain.

✅ Integrated: eliminating silos in electronic systems design through a digital set of attributes that connect not just the EDA environment, but the other domains as well.
整合:透過一組數位屬性消除電子系統設計中的孤島,這些屬性不僅連接 EDA 環境,還連接其他領域。

✅ Secure: ensure IP integrity, accuracy, and reliability with managed access controls based on user roles, permissions, and authentication and compliance to industry security standards.
安全性:透過基於使用者角色、權限和身份驗證的託管存取控制來確保 IP 完整性、準確性和可靠性,並符合業界安全標準。


0:09 Challenges in electronic systems design
3:36 Introducing next generation electronic systems design
3:48 Four tenets: adaptive, efficient, collaborative and managed
6:26 Pillar 1: Intuitive
8:08 Pillar 2: AI-infused
10:00 Pillar 3: Cloud-connected
11:32 Pillar 4: Integrated
13:13 Pillar 5: Secure

#Siemens EDA #Xpedition #Electronic Systems Design #PCB #AI #現代化介面 #Next Generation